Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dad gets his Port-A-Cath

Yesterday, June 3, 2008, was a momentous day as my dad started his first round of chemo. It is called D-PACE. It is a mixture of highly toxic stuff that is contained in a backpack, which he wears; it continuously pumps chemo for 24 hours, then they return to the Hunstman for a refill x4 days, x4 infusions. They said if it spilled in their condo room, HAZMET would have to come in for cleanup. Yikes! Dad is doing well, not feeling any different. They said it would be 2-3 days before side effects would be felt. He and mom traveled up to SLC on Monday and he had his Port-A-Cath implanted. He was woozy and sick to his stomach afterwards, coming off the meds from his implantation. Amy and I drove up to drop off a bunch of totes that mom had packed, food, cleaning supplies, etc., so we were able to check out their new place! We cleaned, wiped down surfaces with clorox, and helped mom put things away in the kitchen. It is a very cozy place! Two big windows - one views the pool and pretty patio. Mom said the sunrise Tues. morning was beautiful. Dad was feeling much better later that night before Amy and I left, and we all shared a brownie together. He even was feeling up to having one of his favorite cookies, the grassshopper cookie. We had some good laughs, took some pictures (yes...I will post!), and then we headed on our way.


Unknown said...

My Dad had his Port the same day! Oh I am praying hard for you Dad and Mom. This ride that your family is just getting on is bumpy. Keep your chins up, stay happy. Your Dad looks great, and thier new little apartment is nice.
They told my mom that my Dad has to flush twice when he pee's. They dont want any of those little chemo buggers gett'n out. Can you believe that we put this in our bodies? Crazy....